Welcome to Vortex's Northwest Artist and Band Directory: Search by genre or keyword to explore the finest bands in the land. If you are a local artist, musician or band from Oregon, Washington or Idaho, please fill out our form to submit your artist or band listing to our directory.
NW Artist and Band Directory
Meet Me @ The AltarRock
Megan AlderAmericana, Folk, Electronic
Megan DianaPop, Electronic
Megan RockettDJ
MegathrusterComedy, Rock
Mel BrownJazz, Soul, Funk, R&B, Blues
Melao de CubaLatin, Jazz, International
Melissa RuthBlues, Rock, Country
MELTRock, Pop
MelvinsMetal, Rock
MenomenaRock, Pop
MerōPop, Rock, Electronic
MESSIMERRock, Americana, Folk
Metal ChurchMetal, Rock
MetalMorphosisMetal, Rock
Metropolitan FarmsPop, Rock
Metropolitan Youth SymphonyClassical
Metts Ryan & CollinsBlues, Rock
Mexican GunfightRock, Blues, Country
Mic CapesHip-Hop
Mic CrenshawHip-Hop
Mic MarHip-Hop
Micah McCawFolk, Rock, Blues
Michael Allen HarrisonClassical, Jazz, Pop
Michael Dean DamronRock, Country, Blues