Welcome to Vortex's Northwest Artist and Band Directory: Search by genre or keyword to explore the finest bands in the land. If you are a local artist, musician or band from Oregon, Washington or Idaho, please fill out our form to submit your artist or band listing to our directory.
NW Artist and Band Directory
Mister TangRock, Punk, Pop
Mitch WilsonPop, Rock, Jazz
Miz KittyVaudeville, Comedy
Mo TroperRock, Pop, Punk
Modern KinRock, Pop
Modest MouseRock
Mohawk YardRock
Mojo HollerAmericana, Blues, Folk
Mommy Long LegsPunk, Rock, Pop
MonarquesPop, Rock
MondegreenRock, Pop
MonikerRock, Folk, Electronic
Moody Little SisterPop, Folk, Rock
Moon By YouRock, Soul, Pop
Moon DarlingRock, Pop
Moon DuoRock, Metal
MoonkisserMetal, Punk, Rock
Moorea MasaFolk, Soul
Mope GroovesPop, Punk, Rock, Comedy
Morbid FascinationMetal, Rock
MordecaiPop, Electronic
Morgan JamesPop, Soul, R&B
Morning RitualR&B, Pop, Folk