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LiquidLight: 'Get Up/Get Around' [Song Premiere]
Joanna Cosper - Oct 30, 2015
The alt pop three-piece are set to release their first record on November 4 and will celebrate at the Doug Fir that evening. Listen to a track from their debut effort. Photo by Drew BandyLiquidLight: 'Suits You Well' [Song Premiere]
Chris Young - Jan 14, 2015
Listen to the latest offering from LiquidLight's new EP and then catch them live at their release party at Holocene on January 18.
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Coco Columbia, LiquidLight and Childspeak at Mississippi Studios on Jan. 16, 2018
Photos by John Alcala
January 24, 2018 2:00pm
Swansea, Us Lights and LiquidLight at the Doug Fir Lounge on April 28, 2015
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April 29, 2015 2:30pm
According to members of the audience in attendance at the Doug Fir on Tuesday, April 28, here's how people might describe each band: Apparently, LiquidLight sounds like "Relient K meets...
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Past Shows
Sep15Saturday9pmRamble OnLiquidLightDoug Fir Lounge
Sep3Monday8pmLiquidLightKaraoke From HellDante's
Aug31Friday10pmLiquidLightChildspeakHiFi Music Hall
Aug30Thursday6pmPortugal. The ManLiquidLightBritt Pavilion
Jun20Wednesday8:30pmEcho Pearl VarsityThe Hague, LiquidLightHolocene
Jan16Tuesday9pmCoco ColumbiaLiquidLight, ChildspeakMississippi Studios
Dec1Friday6pmLiquidLightMexican Gunfight, Camp Crush, Little Sue, The Stubborn Lovers, The Don of Division Street, Pacific Mean Time, Down Gown, The LovedDoug Fir Lounge
Sep10Sunday9pmLiquidLightHollow Sidewalks, Down GownBunk Bar
Aug19Saturday9pmKing Black AcidThe Parson Red Heads, LiquidLightDoug Fir Lounge
Apr13Thursday8pmLiquidLightNew Language, Fire NunsLola's Room
Mar4Saturday9pmThe PynnaclesCambrian Explosion, LiquidLightDante's
Mar3Mar 3 - 4MOGO Music FestivalWIN TICKETSPortland
Sep15Thursday8:30pmLiquidLightOuter Space HeatersHolocene
Aug5Friday9pmLiquidLightAltadore, The HugsThe Secret Society [CLOSED]
Jun29Wednesday9pmLiquidLightSinlessThe Liquor Store
Apr4Monday9pmThe Fur CoatsLiquidLight, The Love JunkiesHolocene
Dec3Thursday9pmLiquidLightHappy Fangs, Lightning RulesThe High Water Mark
Nov4Wednesday9pmTango Alpha TangoTumbleweed Wanderers, LiquidLightDoug Fir Lounge
Sep18Friday9pmPlushJar of Lies, LiquidLightDante's
Aug19Wednesday9pmLiquidLightLubec, LadywolfThe Liquor Store
Aug8Saturday9pmLiquidLightAstro Tan, King FridayAlberta Street Pub
Jul14Tuesday9pmSouvenir DriverLiquidLight, Hollow SidewalksHolocene
May28Thursday9:30pmFuture TwinLiquidLightBunk Bar
Apr28Tuesday9pmSwanseaKing Who, LiquidLightDoug Fir Lounge
Mar5Thursday6pmFog FatherNature Thief, LiquidLightThe Firkin Tavern
Jan18Sunday9pmChartsLiquidLight, AutonomicsHolocene