While the meandering opening track from LiquidLight's new EP Reactionary has shades of early Pumpkins, the newest track from their second EP equally reminds of '90s rock.
From start to finish, "Suits You Well" is a three-minute burst of poppy, straightforward rock with an underlying acoustic riff that's oh so familiar.
"'Suits You Well' deals with the idea of welcoming new points of view into your life," the Portland four-piece explain. "Things that may seem like a completely different reality really can be a non-threatening part of the whole picture in this crazy world. In writing the song, we were also envisioning working through barriers that people need to cross in order to deal with each other. While some things may seem uncomfortable, once you move past these obstacles, you can come out the other end all for the better. This theme of discovering the truth and moving past the discomfort into a clearer reality is a common thread throughout our entire Reactionary EP."