Welcome to Vortex's Business and Venue Directory: Search by category or keyword to explore music-related businesses and live music venues located in Oregon and Washington. If you would like to list your local business in our directory, please fill out our form to submit your business or venue.
Metal Yoga with StephaniePortland, OR 503.213.0020
Mic Check836 N Russell St., Portland, OR 971.303.9886
Michael Backus Guitar Studio10600 SE McLoughlin Blvd. Ste. 103, Milwaukie, OR 503.869.7824
Michelle's Piano Company600 SE Stark St., Portland, OR 503.295.1180
MiCROTurner, OR 916.847.8707
Midtown51 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend, OR 541.408.4329
Mike Thrasher PresentsPortland, OR
Milepost 5850 NE 81st Ave., Portland, OR 503.333.3331
Milwaukie-Portland Elks Lodge #14213121 SE McLoughlin Blvd., Milwaukie, OR 503.654.9588
Mingle Lounge322 NW Everett, Portland, OR 503.224.9077
Mir Music331 E Main St., Hillsboro, OR 503.693.0434
MirifotoFoster-Powell, Portland, OR 503.422.2220
Misdemeanor Meadows6920 SE 52nd Ave., Portland, OR 503.206.8556
Misplaced Screen Printing1016 NW 17th Ave., Portland, OR 503.832.0300
Miss Lopez MediaPortland, OR
Mission Theater1624 NW Glisan St., Portland, OR 503.223.4527
Mississippi Ave. Street FairNorth Mississippi Ave., Portland, OR
Mississippi Pizza3552 N Mississippi Ave., Portland, OR 503.288.3231
Mississippi Records5202 N Albina Ave., Portland, OR 503.282.2990
Mississippi Studios3943 N Mississippi Ave., Portland, OR 503.288.3895
Mix FoundryPortland, OR
Mock Crest Tavern3435 N Lombard St., Portland, OR 503.283.5014
Moda Center1 N Center Court St., Portland, OR 503.235.8771
Modcott PianosOregon City, OR 503.314.6474
MOGO Music FestivalPortland, OR