Behind the Scenes at Mississippi Studios with Sallie Ford, Tope, Zia McCabe of The Dandy Warhols, Natasha Kmeto, Lewi Longmire, Jose Medeles of 1939 Ensemble and Skip vonKuske of The Portland Cello Project

On Tuesday, February 18, Vortex Music Magazine invited seven musicians of diverse backgrounds and genres to Mississippi Studios for a video shoot.

As Zia McCabe of The Dandy Warhols, Sallie Ford, Tope, Natasha Kmeto, Lewi Longmire, Jose Medeles of 1939 Ensemble and Revival Drum Shop, and Skip vonKuske of The Portland Cello Project clamored onto the stage, v1creative's Kevin Hasenkopf hunkered down behind the lens of his video camera to capture the action that ensued.

By the end of the day, these seven were dubbed the VRTX All-Stars, and their time with us was captured for Vortex Music Magazine's ongoing Kickstarter campaign as well as the cover story of our debut issue, which will hit streets this May.

We are currently seeking support for Vortex Music Magazine so we can design, print and distribute our first issue. Please check out our Kickstarter video and...

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And thank you to all of our supporters so far!

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