Welcome to Vortex's Business and Venue Directory: Search by category or keyword to explore music-related businesses and live music venues located in Oregon and Washington. If you would like to list your local business in our directory, please fill out our form to submit your business or venue.
Roseland Piano Co.1928 SE Washington St., Portland, OR 503.654.1888
Roseland Theater10 NW Sixth Ave., Portland, OR 971.230.0033
Rumblefish107 SE Washington St. Ste. 700, Portland, OR 503.248.0706
RV Inn Style Resorts Amphitheater17200 NE Delfel Rd., Ridgefield, WA 360.816.7000
Rx FestPortland, OR
Ryan WhitePortland, OR
S17320 NE Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR
Sabertooth Micro Fest1332 W Burnside St., Portland, OR 503.225.0047
SacredFlightP.O. Box 6866, Portland, OR 503.241.3344
Safeco Field1250 First Ave. S, Seattle, WA 206.346.4000
Sahel SoundsPortland, OR
Saint Cecilia Studios222 SE 10th Ave., Portland, OR 503.919.8181
Saint David of Wales Episcopal Church2800 SE Harrison St, Portland, OR 503.232.8461
Salem Armoy2320 17th St. NE, Salem, OR 503.584.3867
Sam Adato's Drum Shop1755 W 11th Ave., Eugene, OR 541.357.4308
Sam Bonds Garage407 Blair Blvd., Eugene, OR 541.431.6603
Sam LinglePortland, OR
Santa Fe Taqueria831 NW 23rd Ave., Portland, OR 503.220.0406
Sapphire Hotel5008 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, OR 503.232.6333
Sasquatch! Festival754 Silica Rd., Quincy, WA
Saturn Stickers3108 SE 50th Ave. Ste. B, Portland, OR 971.222.8974
Saucebox214 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 503.241.3393
Savoy Tavern2500 SE Clinton St., Portland, OR 503.808.9999
School of Rock Portland1440 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, OR 503.231.2945
Schuback Violin Shop1255 NW Ninth Ave. #11, Portland, OR 503.916.4430