Welcome to Vortex's Venue Directory: Explore concert halls, bars, clubs, cafes, theaters, event spaces and restaurants that host live music in Oregon and Washington. If you would like to list your local business in our directory, please fill out our form to submit your venue.
Veterans Memorial Coliseum1 N Center Court St., Portland, OR 503.797.9619
VIP LIVE1823 SE Tualatin Valley Hwy, Hillsboro, Oregon 503.328.4795
Vitalidad Movement Arts & Events Center116 SE Yamhill St, Portland, OR 971.266.3935
Voicebox NW2112 NW Hoyt St., Portland, OR 503.303.8220
Voicebox SE734 SE Sixth Ave., Portland, OR 503.303.8220
Walker StadiumLents Park SE 92nd Ave. and Holgate Blvd., Portland, OR 503.823.2525
Walters Cultural Arts Center527 E Main St., Hillsboro, OR 503.615.3485
WaMu Theater800 Occidental Ave. S, Seattle, WA 206.381.7555
Wandering Goat Coffee Roasters268 Madison St., Eugene, OR 541.344.5161
Washington County Fair Complex873 NE 34th Ave, Hillsboro, OR 503.648.1416
Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater400 SW Kingston Ave., Portland, OR
Whiskey Bar31 NW First Ave., Portland, OR 503.227.0405
White Eagle Saloon836 N Russell St., Portland, OR 503.282.6810
White Owl Social Club1305 SE Eighth Ave., Portland, OR 503.236.9672
White River Amphitheatre40601 Auburn Enumclaw Rd., Auburn, WA 360.825.6200
Wilfs Restaurant & Bar800 NW Sixth Ave., Portland, OR 503.223.0070
Winningstad TheatreAntoinette Hatfield Hall 1111 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 503.248.4335
Wonder Ballroom128 NE Russell St., Portland, OR 503.284.8686
World Famous Kenton Club2025 N Kilpatrick St., Portland, OR 503.285.3718
WOW Hall291 W Eighth Ave., Eugene, OR 541.687.2747
Yale Union800 SE 10th Ave., Portland, OR
Zidell Yards3121 SW Moody Ave., Portland, OR 503.228.8691