Welcome to Vortex's Northwest Artist and Band Directory: Search by genre or keyword to explore the finest bands in the land. If you are a local artist, musician or band from Oregon, Washington or Idaho, please fill out our form to submit your artist or band listing to our directory.
NW Artist and Band Directory
Vin Blanc/White WineRock
Vincent Van WhoaRock
Vinnie DewayneHip-Hop
VinterseaMetal, Rock
Virtual ZeroRock
Visible CloaksElectronic
Vivian Leva & Riley CalcagnoAmericana
Volcanic PinnaclesRock, Jazz
Vonnie KylePop, Rock
Vow of VolitionMetal
Waffle TacoJazz, Funk, Electronic
WafiaElectronic, Pop
Wake of DarkRock
Wake OwlRock
WampireRock, Pop, Electronic
WanderlodgeCountry, Folk
Wanderlust CircusVaudeville, Comedy, Rock, Opera
Washer DryerRock, Pop
Wasted WordsRock, Blues
Water TowerAmericana, Folk, Bluegrass
WaterfrontsRock, Pop, Punk