Welcome to Vortex's Northwest Artist and Band Directory: Search by genre or keyword to explore the finest bands in the land. If you are a local artist, musician or band from Oregon, Washington or Idaho, please fill out our form to submit your artist or band listing to our directory.
NW Artist and Band Directory
PhiniseyPop, Electronic, Hip-Hop
Phone CallPop, R&B, Electronic
PhospheneRock, Pop
PhotonaElectronic, Rock
PickwickRock, R&B
Pigeon PitPunk
pigWarSoul, Rock, Funk, R&B
Pink MartiniPop, International, Latin, Jazz, Classical
Pitch Black MassMetal, Rock
PlainsMetal, Rock
Planes on PaperFolk
Plant EaterElectronic, Pop
Plastic CactusRock
Plastic NudesRock, Pop
Plastic WeatherPunk, Rock
Pleasure Curses​Electronic, Pop
PleasurefaceR&B, Soul, Jazz
Point Juncture, WAPop, Rock
Pointed Man BandFamily, Pop, Rock
Poison IdeaPunk, Rock, Metal
Polly O'Keary and The Rhythm MethodBlues, Funk, R&B