Welcome to Vortex's Northwest Artist and Band Directory: Search by genre or keyword to explore the finest bands in the land. If you are a local artist, musician or band from Oregon, Washington or Idaho, please fill out our form to submit your artist or band listing to our directory.
NW Artist and Band Directory
CastletownAmericana, Folk, Rock, International
Cat HandsRock, Punk
Cat HochRock, Pop
CataldoRock, Electronic, R&B
Catfish & SonsBlues, Rock
Cathedral PearlsRock
Catherine FeenyFolk, Pop
Caustic TouchElectronic
Cedar TeethFolk, Rock
Cedars & CrowsRock
Cellar DoorRock, Pop
CellotronikRock, Electronic, Classical, Jazz, International, Pop
CHADPop, Rock
Chad Van DykeFolk, Rock
ChainboundMetal, Rock
Champagne HoneybeeSoul, Jazz, Blues, Rock, Pop
ChampionshipsRock, Pop
Chance HaydenJazz, Soul, Americana, R&B
Chandler PHip-Hop
Chanti DarlingFunk, R&B, Electronic
Charlie and the RaysAmericana, Rock, Folk, R&B
Charlie Brown IIIJazz, Soul, Funk, R&B
Charlie PorterJazz