There’s a vulnerability to being a full-time musician. It’s not only what happens onstage when one puts him or herself out there night after night to entertain, and it’s not just the paycheck that varies from month to month. Musicians work like freelancers, and those who don’t rely on a day job for regular income or, more importantly, health insurance are especially vulnerable. Jeremy Wilson, former frontman of Portland’s Dharma Bums and Pilot, learned this firsthand when he received a diagnosis of a serious congenital heart condition in 2006. Wilson weathered a very trying medical ordeal, but he also experienced the tremendous kindness of fellow local musicians who helped him. The result is The Jeremy Wilson Foundation, formed with the vision to build a safety net to provide emergency financial assistance to musicians and their families during a medical crisis. Venues and record companies don’t offer traditional benefits—unless you count bar food, cheap beer and a split of the cover charge—but that’s an understood part of the landscape. The self-employed creative class has a higher risk for financial insecurity and its need for adequate healthcare is especially great. A JWF survey found that musicians are twice as likely as the general public to be uninsured. Operating as a health and services nonprofit for musicians (in partnership with other nonprofits like The Snowman Foundation), JWF fills a gap through an endowment fund called JWF Musicians’ Emergency Healthcare Fund, as well as fundraising and live events geared towards individual musicians in need of immediate financial help and the generosity of friends, family and fans. In 2013, JWF gave out more than $93,000 in assistance grants, saved homes from going into foreclosure, and even helped one artist receive an eye transplant—all because musicians are an important part of our culture and “vital creative members of the local economy and community,” encouraging everyone to support “those who make the soundtracks of our lives.” Andrea Janda, Nov. 2014
In Dark Times, I Sing of Trees
Olivia Awbrey - Apr 22, 2020
In a blink, Covid-19 devastated the music industry. Together, we’ll adapt and evolve. During these times of uncertainty, it's more important than ever to shine a light on information that provides...Sex, Drugs and Rock ‘n’ Roll... Responsibly
Elizabeth Seward - Feb 3, 2020
Embracing this hedonistic stereotype leads to a very unsustainable lifestyle for artists who already lack affordable healthcare options. In pursuit of health and wellness for Portland musicians,...Fluff & Gravy Records Celebrate 5 Years and Share Unreleased Fernando Viciconte Track [Song Premiere]
Chris Young - Nov 9, 2016
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Chris Young - May 11, 2015
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Roddy Jasa - Dec 10, 2014
Bass player and guitarist Damon Dunning recently suffered a stroke so his friends and fellow musicians have come together—some performing for the first time in several years—to throw a benefit...
The Jeremy Wilson Foundation: Founder’s Story
Past Shows
Apr16Thursday7pmKevin BurkeLive Stream
Apr15Wednesday7pmJoy PearsonLenore.Live Stream
Apr12Sunday7pmRachel BrashearLive Stream
Apr10Friday7pmDavid Jacobs-StrainWorthLive Stream
Apr9Thursday7pmSteve KerinLive Stream
Apr8Wednesday7pmJeffrey MartinAnna TivelLive Stream
Apr6Monday7pmMusicPortland First Monday MeetupLive Stream
Apr5Sunday8pmGerle Haggard BandLive Stream
Apr4Saturday8pmTony FurtadoStephanie SchneidermanLive Stream
Apr3Friday8pmGarcia Birthday BandLive Stream
Apr2Thursday8pmLenore.Live Stream
Apr1Wednesday8pmJerry JosephLive Stream
Mar29Sunday8pmLaRhonda SteeleLive Stream
Mar28Saturday8pmSávilaLive Stream
Mar27Friday8pm3 Leg TorsoLive Stream
Mar25Wednesday8pmAshleigh Flynn & The RivetersLive Stream
Mar22Sunday8pmLewi LongmireLive Stream
Dec2Monday7:30pmMusicPortland Monthly MeetupHolocene
Nov11Friday7:30pmPete KrebsAlberta Rose Theatre
Oct7Oct 7 - 9Lose Yr MindPortland
Oct2Oct 2 - 3Lose Yr MindPortland
Dec20Saturday9pmDerbyThe Bella Fayes, Oh DarlingThe Secret Society [CLOSED]