Tangie Town is a Los Angeles-Portland-based brother duo headed by Sam and Sloan Martin. Their self-titled debut album is filled with the warm breezes of tropical island pop, urban and world dance moods, and funk-driven beats and bass grooves. Their name derives from an obscure Doors tune called "Maggie M'Gill" about a fictional place set in the western part of the United States still full of wild artistic spirit: "She went down, down to Tangie Town / People down there really like to get it on." For fans of Tame Impala, Portugal. The Man and Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Tangie Town is out now on all digital platforms (stream it on Spotify), and the band is currently rehearsing for summer shows and festivals.
Tangie Town: "Dancer Girl"
Tangie Town: 'Tangie Town' [EP]